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Welcome to USING HOMEMADE MIXES...Without Getting Mixed Up! 

Tired of trying to figure out how to make ends meet and still feed your family delicious, nutritious home-cooked meals?


This two book cooking system can simplify your life while SAVING up to 50-80% of your TIME and up to 50-80% of your MONEY cooking and shopping. Includes 1 year of Menus and Shopping lists for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. 

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How Do I Know If UHM is the SOLUTION For Me?  

As you consider buying this 2-book System of Recipes, Menus and Shopping Lists called USING HOMEMADE MIXES...without Getting Mixed Up!... or UHM, Take this QUIZ:

You'd LOVE to have a Cooking System that pays for itself many times over year after year saving your family  THOUSANDS of dollars each year, without scrimping on delicious, healthy meals.

You HATE to cook, but need to eat

You enjoy cooking,

You don't know HOW to cook, but need to eat

You don't want to spend much of your TIME cooking, shopping and cleaning up

You DON'T know HOW to Plan Menus, or Shopping Lists, but still need to feed your family

You'd like to have more TIME to enjoy being with your family & activities

You or a family member are one of the 36 million people in the country who now suffer from food allergies and struggle to know what to eat every day

You simply DON'T know HOW to SHOP for more than a day or two, so you have to take numerous trips to the grocery store each week

You'd like your children to learn how to cook, plan menus, and shop, but you aren't sure how to do those things either

You DON'T know how you're going to afford to feed your family healthy, delicious meals with today's prices.

You're tired of feeling tired all the time and feel like caffeine is the only answer to get you through the day

You crave a lot more variety in menus but can't think of anything new, so you fall prey to food commercials and run out for more Fast Food frequently.

You're having trouble paying some  bills because more money than you care to admit is going towards eating out, or buying pre-packaged chemical-filled foods.

You know something needs to change, but you just don't know HOW!

If only someone would write an EASY to USE COOKING SYSTEM to SOLVE my problems for the 1,095 meals I need to feed my family every year...THAT would be the BEST‼️

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This innovative cooking system takes the pressure off by providing a user-friendly method of make-ahead mixes that speeds up the cooking process.  This includes one year of menus, shopping lists, homemade mix recipes adaptable to special dietary needs. So easy even your children can cook them! Most recipes have only one to three steps so whether you're an experienced cook or never boiled water, HOMEMADE MIXES...Without Getting Mixed Up will save you time, money, and best of all it will make your life easier!

3 Simple Steps

1.  Place the menu for the week in a convenient location such as a recipe stand on the kitchen counter where it can be seen and referred to daily.

2.  Read the shopping list and check your kitchen for items you already have on hand.  Shop for remaining items on the list. The coordinating Weekly Shopping List and Mixes List page is on the reverse side of the Menu page.

3.  Prepare, store, and label the mixes listed for the week. You’ll be building up your supply of mixes as you go from week to week.

You've GOT this!!

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