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Kneading Bread Dough


How many servings are in each recipe? What if my family has only 2 people or more than 4 people?

Most recipes in Using Homemade Mixes make 4 servings. If there are one or two people in the household, simply divide the recipe in half. If there are more than 4 you can double the recipe.

I have limited storage space. Will I still be able to use this system?

Definitely! USING HOMEMADE MIXES will actually enable you to more efficiently utilize your storage space far because the mixes can be stored and stacked in uniformly sized square containers.  This creates order in your fridge, freezer and pantry using all of the available space in an organized way.

It seems like I need to buy a lot of stuff at the beginning. What if I am on a limited budget and am not able to buy everything on the Shopping List?

If your kitchen has little to no spices, herbs, or other staples such as flour, oats, rice, sugar, salt, etc. then there will be an initial investment to make. You may be going from bare cupboards to ones that are fully stocked. However, you may be surprised to find that the initial investment is very small when compared to the dollar amount you may have been spending on pre-packaged foods and eating out at fast foods. If rarely cooking from scratch at home has been the case, you will find that you will be able to buy alot more food and have it go significantly further than pre-packaged and/or fast foods. You'll be happy to see that throughout the year the amount of food to buy becomes less and less. After 12 months, depending on your household size, you will find that you will have saved anywhere from hundreds to thousands of dollars a year, without even using coupons! What other investment pays such delicious dividends?!

What if I don't care for all of the foods listed on the Menus? Can I modify the system to my own likes and dietary needs?

Absolutely! For special diets, feel free to modify the amount of sugar, salt, or fats or omit foods to which you may be allergic. To use organic or vegetarian products and still save a lot of money, consider growing part or all of your own produce if possible.

Our family has our own favorite recipes we love to use.  Can I continue to use those recipes with this system?

Of course! I am confident there are many of your favorite recipes included. However, I realize that there are too many delicious recipes to include in a single cookbook.  So if you'd like to go ahead and make something else that's not on the menu, go ahead! If you'd like to eat out sometimes, do it!  There are 1,095 meals in a year. USING HOMEMADE MIXES is merely a means of easing effort and cost, while building up food storage so you are always prepared.

If I don't have all of the items from the Kitchen Supplies list, can I still begin using the system?

Yes! There is no need to buy everything befor you start. You probably already have many of the supplies on the list in the kitchen. If not, the local dollar store has many of the supplies on the list. As you begin seeing savings, you might choose to gradually purchase more supplies.

What will I store all these mixes in?

I recommend square or rectangle containers. Each of the Mix Recipes will let you know what size container would work well for that quantity.  Be sure to label and date each container.

Baking Together

Benefits of Using Homemade Mixes

USING HOMEMADE MIXES is the SOLUTION you’ve been looking for ‼️


•Save gas money on fewer trips to

  the store on forgotten items


•Avoid impulse buying


•An INNOVATIVE SYSTEM that pays for itself MANY times saving YOU thousands of DOLLARS A YEAR!                year after year, even WITHOUT coupons!


•Will save you countless HOURS of time over the course of each year, freeing up more time for family and other activities. 


•Is healthier because it is REAL food, not pre-packaged foods that are laden with chemical and synthetic additives that are unhealthy for both body and mind.


• IF you or a loved one are one of the 36 million people in the country who now suffer from food allergies and struggle to know what to eat every day... your problems are solved!


•EASILY adapt recipes to avoid your specific allergens



  Less trash from pre-packaged

  food wrappers

Cost Comparisons …or as they say,“The Proof Is In the Pudding!”
(This is only 25 of the mixes. There are 125+ mixes) 


Storage Containers

I recommend square and rectangular food containers for better storage space. These can be permanently labeled, then

 reused for many years to come. Some mixes can be stored in gallon food storage bags.

Food Storage Benefits: 

  • If the power went out in your house for two weeks due to a natural disaster or some other reason, would you have enough food, water, and supplies on hand to sustain yourself and your family? Grocery stores look beautifully stocked when we’re shopping and give us the illusion that they could never possibly run out of anything. In all actuality, grocery stores only have a three-day supply of perishable items for an entire city.

  • Therefore, it becomes our responsibility to provide for ourselves. Although government, churches, and many other wonderful agencies or resources try to help in times of need or crisis, it can often take too long and not be near enough aid. A main goal of Using HOMEMADE MIXES…Without Getting Mixed Up is to help people be prepared to provide tasty, nutritious meals despite whatever may be going on in the world outside their home.

  • In this economy it is not unlikely that people will face unemployment, temporarily or long term. How in the world will they feed their families? Problem solved! As you implement the system, Using HOMEMADE MIXES…Without Getting Mixed Up, you will have greater peace of mind knowing that you and your family will always have food on the table.

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